Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Career Self Assessment Worksheet - 1298 Words

GEN 102: Week Four Career Self-Assessment Worksheet Student Name: Aundrey Bryant Purpose: Use your Precision and Sequence to document and reflect on the results of your TypeFocus assessment to gain more insight into your personality, interests, values, and suggested careers for your personality type. Prepare: Take a moment to carefully review your TypeFocus assessment results. Think about your personality type and what characteristics are associated with it. Do you find yourself displaying those characteristics often? The results also suggest careers that suit your personality type. Think about the careers listed and the information provided that describes each one. Consider which career you would like to explore further and think†¦show more content†¦People often tell me that â€Å"I don’t meet a stranger† Whether I’m in the grocery store, or the mall, I can always strike up a conversation. I can truly admit when I’m wrong, but I don’t think I say things without thinking. I love to talk; however, I know there is a time and place for everything. 2. S = Sensing Sensible, Realistic I agree with the outcomes of the TypeFocus outcome statement. I have always been the type of person to look at things realistically. When my daughter went to college I knew at some point she could possibly try alcohol. With me telling her not to drink alcohol, I should be realistic about things. In the event she did try it, I wanted to make sure she was fully equipped to handle it. What I told her is to know your limit since you are not a drinker (you don’t want anyone to take advantage of you not knowing what’s going on because you are intoxicated). Do not drink and drive. Do not get into a car with someone that has been drinking. 3. F = Feeling Sensitive, Empathetic I completely agree with the outcomes of the TypeFocus about my personality. People often call me the peace maker. I have two friends that bump head. 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